Apartment Life

May 10, 2024


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Scheme of heating the apartment with minikotla. Minikotel is a sealed tank capacity 2.1 litra.Vnutri tank placed an electric heater as a heater which can be used or two elektroda.Nizhnyaya part of the tank through a valve connected to one side of the back line of the heating system, and on the other through a valve-equipped with electronic flow liniey.Bachok elements to support sequence of cycles in the tank, temperature control and set the operating modes remotely via mobile phone. Principle of operation. Water or other coolant / that is independent of know- how / heated in a boiler until steam, which increases the pressure in the boiler and replacing the coolant through the exhaust valve paatrubok.Vyhodnoy pressure fluid opens and the coolant inlet zakryvaetsya.Goryachy enters the heating system and starts teplootdacha.Osobennost heat of this method is that the liquid gets into the system along with a couple of bubbles that are bursting, creating increased turbulence and accelerated heat exchange with the surrounding air. Once the fluid displaced from the boiler, for a few seconds the avalanche condensation para.Obrazuetsya vakuum.Pod effect of this vacuum, the outlet valve closes, and input is opened. Cashmore is full of insight into the issues. The fluid from the return line is drawn in kotel.Kak only boiler is filled, the displaced fluid povtoryaetsya.Temperatura cycle can be smoothly adjusted from a value below the boiling point of water, to values exceeding this temperature. alternation of excess pressure and vacuum causes fluid to the known physical phenomena that lead to additional release of energy from the liquid.

Extremely easy production and maintenance of equipment allows us to compete successfully with heating systems use the same naznacheniya.Bez water pump fluid is pumped through the system and can be supplied in heaters at different levels, both up and vniz.Miniatyurnost device allows you to install it anywhere in the room and instead of one large boiler, multiple tanks at different tochkah.Poskolku central heating in apartment buildings are increasingly replaced by local and autonomous, then there is the prospect of such a device. Currently there are prototypes of 1.6 kilowatt boilers that have been successful test on real objects on the territory of Russia and showed high . data show that in central Russia every kilowatt of capacity of the boiler provides heating premises of 30 m in size with a height of ceilings 3m.Pri test this system in apartment houses was the most effective layout, one pot per ploschadku/3-4 Apartments / .Na boiler developed technical documentation / passport / made in accordance with technical requirements of such documents. Developed a device that allows you to use this effect in heating systems without electricity / gas, wood, coal / For the general implementation of this equipment, the manufacture of similar equipment for non-electric methods of heating and to determine the possibility of using the resulting effect in other areas of technology necessary to conduct additional eksperemetalnye raboty.Dlya accelerate and simplify the production it is possible to use other firms certified tanks, equipping them with the necessary elements .. There are reasons for patenting of new technical solutions in this razrabotke. / basic principle has been patented in Latvia /.

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