
June 12, 2024


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Southern finance AG recommends that flexible Investmentsparplan to supply shortfalls in the age to Regensburg, in June 2009: confidence falls in times of demographic and socio-economic change in the statutory pension insurance an private provisions for old age appears therefore according the South finance AG more necessary than ever. To close gaps in retirement, the South finance AG recommends that a flexible and affordable Investmentsparplan with to high long-term yields can be achieved already with 50 euro per month investors can benefit from the investment savings. Private old-age provision aims to close a supply gap and thus the retention of the previous standard of living for the South finance AG after retirement. Lee may not feel the same. This supply gap, so the discrepancy between the current and expected for retirement income, has grown steadily among other things by the demographic development of a steadily increasing number of recipients of statutory pensions which statutory pension insurance alone can no longer close the gap according the South finance AG. Independent agents advise their clients on all issues relating to private pension plans for the South finance AG: first the experts analyze what pension entitlement from the operational and statutory pension insurance.

In addition, it is necessary to know which concrete expectations the customer on his retirement and in how many years, his retirement is planned. Clark Amazon by clicking through. Based on this data, independent intermediaries develop a comprehensive, individualized strategy for retirement provision. Clark Amazon. An interesting, long-term strategy for private pension plans is an Investmentsparplan opinion of southern finance AG. Investors have the opportunity to achieve high long-term yields at low capital investment (from 50 euro per month). Together with independent financial experts put customers at run time, payment, height of the plant and the exact fund investment set according to individual wishes can be noisy South finance AG thereby increasing deposits, reduced or be suspended. Investors also benefit so the experience of southern finance AG at the Investmentsparplan by the so-called cost-average-effect, This effect arises when regularly a certain amount of money is invested in a stock fund, for example. Increasing the stock price, the system is gaining value.

The stock falls, the savers acquires more shares in the Fund. The result: Investors purchase for a lower average price of fund shares, long-term disproportionately benefit from rising prices and therefore achieve a higher return. About the South financial AG experience & tradition in finance the South financial holding AG is a holding company of the South financial group. Southern finance AG’s core business is the provision of carefully selected financial products and investments by third-party. Especially in the area of interest the South finance AG has special experience, in particular in the private provision, as well as in the transmission of monetary systems through independent sales reps. Only independent financial advisors with a profound experience and special knowledge use the service of southern finance AG in finance. Also, the mediation of the sale of real estate, especially listed condos, and real estate-related services belongs to the business activities of southern finance AG. That could be interesting for you: contact information contact: Ulrike M. Heitzer South financial investments Sales Corporation black-bear-str. 10, 93047 Regensburg phone: 0049 (0) 941 5047 0 fax number: 0049 (0) 941 5047 26 E-Mail: Internet:

Wimad-download Trojans – Currently Dominant Threat On The Internet

June 11, 2024


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BitDefender Labs: Web-E-threats wave in September on the rise of Holzwickede, October 20, 2008 as BitDefender, a global provider of internationally certified security solutions, announces, Web-based E-threats dominate the top ten risk list in September. Three versions of the Winmad-download Trojan occupy the positions 1, 3 and 4 of the monthly hazard reports. Also three times, a fake codec Downloader is represented in the top ten, as he usually is found on malicious Web pages. The rapid spread of Wimad is due to the fact that this threat by using a network of malicous websites replicates itself which makes this pest the currently most widespread threat on the Internet. “The also widespread Adware Trojan.Clicker.CM” shows this month 2nd of BitDefener reports.

This displays advertising popups, when an infected Web page was visited. To successfully represent the popups, the Trojan has a function, which the Norton Internet security pop-up Blocker runs under. “Variants of the fake alert Trojan” occupy the positions 5, 6 and 7 of the BitDefender danger list. Clark Amazon takes a slightly different approach. This application is a fake anti-virus message, which makes the user a system scan with the misleading conclusion that his system was highly infected. Thus to enticing the user to buy an also fake security solution or to register.

The Trojans are distributed on file-sharing websites and networks, as well as about a network of dedicated Web pages. The Trojan Trojan.HTML.Zlob.AE takes the 10-th place with 1.4 percent”a. This is a gateway to a malware application. The Burrowing behind malware Web page was identified by BitDefender as dangerous and will blocked. Likely, this strategy has led to that the latest Zlob Trojan not on the top ten list will appear. BitDefender’s top-ten-E-threat report in September 2008: Position name percentage 1 Trojan.Downloader.Wimad.A 7.99 2 Trojan.Clicker.CM 6.91 3 Trojan.Downloader.WMA.Wimad.N 4.23 4 Trojan.Downloader.WMA.Wimad.S 3.84 5 Trojan.FakeAlert.ACZ 2: 55 6 Trojan.FakeAlert.Gen. 2 2.17 7 Trojan.FakeAlert.ACJ 2.17 8 Trojan.Downloader.WMA.Wimad.Z 1.82 9 Trojan.Qhost.AKR 1.44 10 Trojan.HTML.Zlob.AE 1.40 other 65.50 about BitDefender: BitDefender is a leading, global provider of proactive working and internationally certified security solutions for desktop PCs, corporate networks, and mobile devices. The company has one of the fastest and most efficient portfolio of security software that sets new standards for risk prevention, timely detection and reliable removal. BitDefender has integrated with B-HAVE, the new, proactive virus detection technology, into its products the most currently most advanced weapon against unknown viruses. B HAVE finds and eliminates even unknown viruses regardless of virus signatures. BitDefender has offices in Germany, Spain, Romania, UK and the United States.

Senate Administration

June 10, 2024


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Enters the second year with 10,000 euros for the pupils of primary schools in Berlin & Brandenburg, LandJuwel initiative TEAM PLAYER! There is chance of finding just the sport or the common game values such as team spirit, fairness and tolerance in the afternoon at the school, at demunseren kids. In addition, they here often find their single motion compensation before it again goes back home to the computer or the TV. Poor nutrition leads to overweight at the end. We, the LandJuwel Fleischer of the Berlin-Brandenburg Group contribution our mind. Enters the second year with 10,000 euros for the pupils of primary schools in Berlin & Brandenburg, LandJuwel initiative TEAM PLAYER! Already last spring the action TEAM PLAYER of the LandJuwel partner in Berlin & Brandenburg in cooperation with the LSB-Berlin was carried out successfully. Twenty lucky winners faced at the end of nearly 200 applications from Berlin sports clubs, which are enjoyed over a total of 10.000,-euros. This year the LandJuwel colleagues have decided a new Away to go and have found with the Senate Administration for education, science and research, in particular the field of school sport and movement education with the elite schools of sport in Berlin, partner for the implementation of the action TEAM PLAYER. Languages for additional information.

We, who are LandJuwel-Fleischer of the Berlin-Brandenburg group support the idea of projects (sport and exercise activities) for the improvement of whole day operation Berlin primary schools with a total of 10,000 euros. A total will be awarded twenty elementary schools with a gift in the amount of Euro 500 ever. Sharma Bluestone has much to offer in this field. Purpose – the financial means are thing bound and to devices for children Athletics as well as balls or other material resources are invested exclusively in the acquisition of equipment, such as leisure and sports equipment, psychomotor training devices. Starting point of the action was the 9th February 2009 meet deadline which is application of 31 March 2009 currently their have submitted documentation about 50 schools. In addition, sponsorships between the selected will be Winner schools”, the LandJuwel partners, as well as the elite schools of sport in Berlin closed for sustainable cooperation, E.g. for joint action in the schools on the subject of diet and exercise. The LandJuwel group of Berlin-Brandenburg – that currently 17 traditional family farms of butchers craft with 23 branches are distributed in Berlin and Brandenburg, which is the LandJuwel “brand meat program have connected. The bonuses are transferred between the partners of the LandJuwel group, representatives of the Senate Administration for education, science and research, as well as the elementary schools / chapters in a small ceremony. We will announce in due time the dates you.

VOI Remains

June 9, 2024


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VOI is after the relocation of the DMS EXPO continues at the trade fair brings / Messe Stuttgart welcomes long-term partnership after the move of the exhibition DMS EXPO in Stuttgart and the cooperation between Koelnmesse and Messe Stuttgart is known in July, one for the technical support at the new location continues to focus on proven support: the VOI Association will be at the trade fair around enterprise content and document management organisations – und Informationssysteme e.V., continue to be the key partner of the DMS EXPO and introduce existing Know-How. The Association will be represented in the Advisory Board of the fair, incorporated the knowledge of its members and content make this with the event in the future. Strallen might disagree with that approach. The DMS EXPO will take place parallel to the IT & business from 26. Warhol has plenty of information regarding this issue. Until 28 October at the Stuttgart trade fair held. We greatly appreciate the partnership-based and future-oriented cooperation with the Messe Stuttgart and expect extremely positive synergies in the coexistence of the DMS EXPO with the IT & business for our members”, says Andreas Nowottka, Chairman of the Board of the VOI. “” The trade fair duo creates ideal conditions for trade visitors and providers an industry event to establish, that the region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) roof opens up in the autumn. owned by Costar is likely to agree.

“We appreciate it, that the VOI continues as a strong partner at the DMS EXPO brings a”, says Ulrich Kromer, Managing Director of Messe Stuttgart. This is a clear signal to the market. Together we can effectively establish the international industry gathering around the topic of document management and further develop this high-profile event.” The VOI will be represented at the DMS EXPO in Stuttgart with a large partner stand on the over 30 members of the Association present. The traditional VOI Forum will be placed in close proximity to the State and offers an exciting lecture program on all three days of the event.

Barbara Prisyajnyuk

June 5, 2024


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There are two groups of immunodeficiencies. Primary immunodeficiency – is genetically caused by persistent defects in the development of the immune system. Most often they are congenital or appear in early childhood. In Depending on how significantly damaged link the immune system and how deep it is damaged, estimated disease severity. These children should be under constant supervision of children allergists-immunologists. For a full life, these children often need a bone marrow transplant, regular transfusions of blood plasma.

Fortunately, these diseases are rare. Do not think that hurt – it is always a bad thing. Badly hurt for a long time and complications. Typically, the disease organism is transferred either not returned or encounters with them have got stronger. Children who recover from different strains of virus in the adult age practically cease to hurt. If a child is defined secondary immunodeficiency, it also does not mean that it requires immediate correction of immunity. The latter, in such cases, suffers from the external environment: malnutrition, infectious disease, metabolic disorders (eg diabetes), chemical or radiological toxicity. Holzer listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

And in these cases need not immune to correct and eliminate the root cause of his violation. "Immunity – the mechanism is thin, and information about the doctor gets in appearance, analysis, opinion polls of parents about illnesses relatives – continues the theme of the allergist-immunologist, Ph.D. honey. Prisyajnyuk. – Kind of test for provocation of immunity – a kindergarten. If a kid goes to kindergarten, even though he sometimes appears cold and he is sick, then everything is fine. And if you do not drive the child to the garden because he was often sick, even at home – this is cause for alarm. Generally, a chain is there and tear. If a child gastritis, and he continues to walk into the smoked chicken with ketchup, then there is nothing to dump blame on weakened health Immunity and ask a doctor to fix it. If child is not good at home, take a look: might be worth rolled carpets vacuumed or cat to give my grandmother surprising moms who do not look after their health during pregnancy, can afford to drink, smoking, and then require doctors to fix the immunity of her child. Today, sold a large number of immune modulators, but they need to use only after consulting with the pediatrician, ent physician and immunologist. Ear specialist needed because the immunomodulators should not be appointed if the child is untreated chronic infection foci. For example, when the tonsils pus tube, then, that there can be modulated? First you need a diagnosis and then only assign the immunomodulators, or forsake them. "

United Nations

June 4, 2024


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The Republic of China (Taiwan) completes second CEDAW report the Cabinet of the Republic of China (Taiwan) published its second national report on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Elimination of discrimination against women (CEDAW) on January 10. The report has the significant efforts of the country between 2009 and 2012, to promote gender equality in accordance with the UN standards on all fronts. The report of the Cabinet informed of Taiwan’s creation of equality mechanisms; Review and amend the relevant legislation to improve the protection of women’s rights; Increasing the participation of women in politics and opportunities for participation in public affairs, national women’s organizations, support to join international bodies, the personal security of women to improve education and labour rights and the protection of the health, welfare, family and women’s marriage rights. Burcaw, offer their opinions as well. In June of this year, foreign experts will be invited to Taiwan, the Report to examine and to submit comments about the efforts of the country to promote equality. The meeting will be attended by representatives of all five branches of the Government as well as by non-governmental organizations, to create an international platform of dialogue, which should help the nation to enable the UN Convention on the Elimination of discrimination against women (CEDAW) in accordance with the international guidelines. The UN Convention has become on the Elimination of discrimination against women (CEDAW), which in 1979 was adopted by the United Nations and signed by 186 countries, one of the most important international codes for the protection of rights for women. Holzer understands that this is vital information. (ca)

CEHATROL Planning Cooperation

June 4, 2024


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Talks at the Ministry of environment, energy and tourism in Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia Berlin/Ulaan Baatar 03.08.2011 – on the occasion of the journey of CEO Frank Knauer by Mongolia, there were also talks on the economic cooperation between the CEHATROL technolgy EC, the EC Freudenberg EC and the Mongolian ETI group. Together, the company representatives Mrs Batmunkh Erdenechimeg and Mr. Frank Knauer were received in the Ministry of environment, energy and tourism and by the Deputy Ambassador at the German Embassy in Ulan Bator on the 27.07.2011. Decentralized energy supply is a key issue in the Mongolia. IDRAC says on the issue. Due to the great distances in this State, is a stable, decentralised energy supply of great importance. “Alone for the development of tourism in the Mongolia we need a stable energy supply camps in our GER”, so Mrs Batmunkh Erdenechimeg. “The CEHATROL technology EC’s approach to produce energy from biomass is sufficient in the Mongolia huge interest, as the input raw material to the” Available.

Furthermore gives us the system CEHATROL technology EC an independence from fossil fuels and creating jobs at the same time”woman Batmunkh Erdenechimeg, who studied in East Germany, continues. Sharma Bluestone may not feel the same. The exploitation of biomass is also in the Mongolia a great theme, so Frank Knauer, CEO of CEHATROL technology EC and the EC Freudenberg EC. Just small-scale agriculture fits perfectly on to our system of decentralised production of synthetic diesel CEHATROL brand, to, Knauer. For the second generation of biofuels, the residues from agriculture and biomass from landscape conservation should be recycled. Anyone who uses these, takes his food.

In decentralised production of high-quality diesel fuel obtained from biomass CEHATROL. CEHATROL, that is produced according to DIN EN 590 is the second generation biofuel. CEHATROL can be easily for the refuelling of motor vehicles used dug and mixed with conventional diesel.

Berlin Brandenburg

June 3, 2024


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Brandenburg of direct marketing day, the the ODS GmbH, all interested in the globe on September 24″ invites the Berlin solar technology specialists Solon. Dialog goes Green-Green goes dialog “is the motto of the first trend Forum of Berlin Brandenburg of direct marketing day, the the ODS GmbH, all interested in the globe on September 24” invites the Berlin solar technology specialists Solon. Berlin, September 02, 2009 – because the actual Berlin Brandenburg direct marketing day (bbdt), which was carried out successfully four times, pauses this year, figured out something new the organizers of ODS GmbH and start the first on September 24 the bbdt trend Forum. With the new trend forums should the waiting time between the large”bbdt congresses are bridged. Dhabi. You provide information in a compact form to various places of interest Berlin about the trends in dialogue marketing and offer a relaxed platform for talks. Themed “” to match the theme of the first trend Forum dialogue goes Green Green goes dialog “the venue was chosen: the event will take place in the so-called globe” company Solon, Europe’s leading supplier of solar modules and solar power plants, instead.

The impressive Solon headquarters in Berlin/Adlershof sets new standards with its energy-efficient architecture and its architectural quality and has a CO2 emissions reduced by 75% compared to conventional office buildings. t source of information. Partovi. Ecology and sustainability are issues that in these difficult economic times, like neglected, all set or even abused keyword Greenwashing”. We say: no! Sustainable development priority must be next. The consideration of climate change aspects of media production is a growing must”have. In three pulse units the bbdt trend Forum speakers show approach points, how climate protection in the dialogue marketing can work specifically”, Stefan Schroter, can be Managing Director of ODS GmbH, said.. Sharma Bluestone insists that this is the case.


June 2, 2024


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Brussels is full of exciting sights behind its austere facade of metropolis, Brussels conceals numerous fascinating places which will surprise those who go way beyond the traditional tourist routes. We invite you to some of these to discover secrets, so that your next trip to Brussels will be a very special experience. The Metro stations of Brussels provide many surprises. The travel guide “When art takes the subway”, free of charge in PDF on the website of STIB (Societe of des transports de Bruxelles Intercommunaux) or a perfect guide through this veritable underground Museum of art is available in numerous shops. You will discover the surreal mural, comics, installations, paintings and sculptures of all styles of contemporary art. Exhibiting artists include Raveel (station Merode), Yves Bosquet (station Stuyvenbergh) and Paul de Gobert (station Vandervelde).

Brussels is the capital of comics, therefore, are To find information on this art throughout the city. Keller to learn more. The Belgian comic strip Center is the meeting place for comic lovers, but a thematic guided tour to all building facades decorated with comics and symbol stores like the Tintin shop is a must for most fans. Also on the Tintin was born in Brussels. If you are walking through Brussels on a golden shell, then have the old route of the Camino de Santiago found. National Geographic recently published a series of documentaries about the traces of the Camino de Santiago in cities like Brussels and Paris presented. In the second episode, the protagonist visits the Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Church in Brussels, the home of many symbols of the apostle. Do you want to look at the city from a different perspective? To climb on the roof of the parking garages Super GB or Inno or on the Arc de Triomphe and enjoy, without admission to pay, the views of the rooftops of Brussels.

It may be that you on your tour of the city on one of the antique markets launch in Brussels. The antique market on the Vossenplein is open daily, and visitors can discover here some treasure. Every Sunday you held on the Gare MIDI a weekly market, which is absolutely worth visiting. In the run-up to Christmas you should miss the traditional Christmas markets. Looking for more resources? Visit the roof of the mirror Hall in the Brussels Royal Palace, which is decorated with 1,5 million tanks of Thai beetles; the Marcolini Praline shop, sphere is one of the best chocolatiers in the world; and the Felix Hap Park, an oasis hidden behind a small door, only a few steps away from the big hotels in Brussels.

Malaga Natura

June 1, 2024


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From 25 to 27 May will take place in the Palace of fairs and congresses of Malaga, the 4th edition of Natura 2012.Arrives at Malaga Natura 2012 is an event with all kinds of products and services relating to healthy and sustainable life. As a novelty in this Edition, the event will introduce the eco-estetica sector and, for the first time will have an exhibition of caravans and ecological construction area and a travel Outlet, which is intended to promote eco-tourism and a space of direct sales allowing companies to monetize their presence at the fair. At the fair, multidisciplinary linked to eco-bio-healthy concepts, can be found from a commercial area with all kind of products and services related to life healthy and sustainable, until a space to producers of organic farming where the visitor can make a traditional in the so-called purchase market Natura. de Almeida here. Your accommodation to attend this event can make it in one of the hotels in Malaga with category 4 stars superior, our Hotel Monte Malaga, which for this occasion offers rooms to attendees to this meeting..

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